
About me

I’m an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and the principal investigator of the Healthy AI Lab. I joined in 2019 following a post-doc with Professor David Sontag in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Besides a short exchange at NYU and Columbia University in 2015-2016, I haven’t moved far, having finished both my PhD and and undergraduate studies at Chalmers. My doctoral studies were advised by Professor Devdatt Dubhashi on the topic of learning from graph structured data.


I have been working in machine learning since 2012 and in the intersection of causality, learning and healthcare data since 2015. Much of my work revolves around improving decision making processes, be it through reinforcement & bandit learning, interpretable prediction models or through out-of-domain performance guarantees. More recently I’ve become interested in learning from auxiliary or “privileged” information not available at the time when models are used.